Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Physical Technologies and Security

Physical Technologies and Security division carries out study, research and development of technologies, processes, materials and products in the domain of optoelectronics, photonics, laser spectroscopy, fiber optic systems, quantum optics, synthesis and characterization of microstructures and nanomaterials and proton and electron accelerators.

The main application fields include

  • the development of innovative micro-components, sensors, devices and compact systems for the surveillance and monitoring of research, technological, industrial, nuclear fusion and fission plants;
  • the detection of ionizing radiation, citizen safety in terms of prevention and protection from chemical, bacteriological, radiological and nuclear threats (CBRN), food safety through the monitoring of fraud and adulteration, the structural monitoring of civil infrastructures and the conservation and use of Cultural Heritage.

The Physical Technologies and Security division develops advanced equipment and facilities for medical diagnostics, dosimetry, radiotherapy and for the study of the effects of ionizing radiation on biological samples, electronic systems and optical components also for aerospace applications. It develops basic and advanced knowledge in the various relevant sectors and in particular on the modeling of radiation-matter interaction, quantum optics effects and the processing of data generated by sensors developed through systems based on artificial intelligence. It designs and creates demonstrators and prototypes planning their validation in real environment also in collaboration with potential end users, for the subsequent phase of technology transfer to industry.

The Division's activities are carried out in the framework of international (NATO SPS), European (Horizon Europe, ESA, EDA, EDF) and national (ASI, Regione Lazio) projects and include the development of collaboration networks with academic and industrial partners, and participation in commissions, scientific working groups and steering groups in the sectors of expertise.

Main Tasks and Functions

  • Development of integrated sensors and devices for physical, chemical and biological analysis and 2D/3D imaging with the possibility of installation on robotic, automated or remotely piloted platforms and qualified for operation even in hostile conditions such as underwater and ionising radiation contaminated environments.
  • Development of particle accelerators (electrons and protons), radiation sources in the X-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum for applications in processes and products of technological, industrial and research interest in the sectors of nuclear fusion, biomedicine and aerospace.
  • Development of nanostructures, nanocomposites and functionalized microcomponents, radiation detectors, optical devices, miniaturized photonic devices, optical sensors and fiber optic systems for applications in the energy sectors, including nuclear fusion and fission, dosimetry, aerospace, biomedicine and for the monitoring of infrastructures and historic monumental buildings.
  • Consultancy services to industry, other research bodies and the public administration relating to specific non-commercial applications of its research products and the training of technical personnel for the use of innovative instrumentation.
Remote laser
Remote laser detection for energy substances and cultural heritage
Spectroscopy for nanomaterials
X-ray spectroscopy on thin films and nanomaterials for photonics and energy
Optical characterization
Optical characterization of new light-emitting materials